Cleveland-Area College Tour
A few weeks ago, the Xavier college counseling department traveled to the Cleveland area and visited 11 colleges and universities. It was a great trip, which allowed us to get a good feel for schools I have never been to before. I thought it would be great to put down some notes and observations from each of these schools. Take a look, and if any seem interesting, I urge you to investigate them further! Over the next few days, I will write about a few of the schools and I will put the location of each school, the size of each school, the middle 50% for the SAT’s (average scores for acceptance), and a few facts. Enjoy! John Carroll University: University Heights, OH 3,000 students-SAT: 1460-1790-Total COA $44,520: -40% of graduates come out with more than one major -Maximum class size is 29 -D3 Sports, 13% of students involved in Greek Life, and 20% of students commute from home -Most families only pay between $10,000-$15,000 out of pocket -Last year, out of 37...