
     Welcome everyone to the recently established Mr. K’s College Knowledge Blog! I hope to provide you with knowledge on everything to do with college admissions. The target audience for this blog is anyone going through the college search and application process. The blog is here to assist students and parents during the process with college admissions trends and updates, reminders, leading research on college admissions and just overall helpful information. I also would like to use this blog as a place to assist students and their families on the emotional and psychological transition into college. Leaving home for the first time and being away from family can often be a stressful time for everyone involved, and I hope to provide helpful tips and strategies to aid the entire family in dealing with this change. The goal of this blog is to simply get as much information out to you as possible on a weekly basis.

     Before you start reading my blog, let me introduce myself. My name is Joseph Korfmacher and I am a college counselor at Xavier High School in Manhattan. I have my Master’s in school counseling and have worked in the college counseling scene for the past four years. Through my time as a counselor, I have seen how stressful and time consuming this process can be for both students and parents. There is so much information on this topic available, and the time seems to fly by for most people. It is this blog’s mission to give clear and concise information on the happenings in college admissions as often as possible. Please check out this blog if you are looking for helpful tips, strategies, or are just hungry for as much information possible on this subject. I hope to be an accommodating stopping point on your road to attending college. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at korfmacherj@xavierhs.org

 -Mr. Joseph D. Korfmacher, MASC


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