The Waiting Game...Being Emotionally Prepared to Hear from and Leave for College

As of now, the majority of students have applied to at least one college, and many will hear decisions in the next couple of weeks. The waiting game can be extremely nerve-wracking and happens during senior year, which is already stressful all around. At the beginning, students scramble to complete their applications while balancing busy extracurricular and academic schedules. They worry about their choice of college essay topic, their list of schools, and whether or not their applications have arrived safely in the admissions offices. As second semester begins, though, most of the applications are out, midterm grades are finalized, and a period of waiting ensues. Many schools will not send out decisions until April, and so students wait, in a state of uncertainty about the vast next step of their lives.

There is so much activity and so many stressors during senior year that we sometimes forget that it is a crucial period of transition, not only for students, but for parents and families as well. As graduation approaches, there are many conflicting emotions at play. For students, it is certainly an exciting time, but also a continuous reminder that they will soon leave behind their high school, their friends, and their families in order to graduate to the next phase of their lives. It is a time filled with uncertainty and ambiguity. Students may not realize that their parents are also experiencing a great deal of conflicting emotions, as they prepare to see their child off into a new environment.  Whether a student is moving away to college or living at home, graduation from high school is a huge symbolic move towards adulthood.

Both students and parents are reminded that it is perfectly normal to see emotional ups and downs during this time. There may be some shifting in the dynamics of the relationship between parent and child, as they both prepare for the student to take on new roles.

In conclusion, some advice: Parents, trust in the work that you have done in raising your child to be an independent, competent decision maker. Be open to dialogue with your child, and don’t hesitate to bring these issues up for discussion. Students, remember that it is totally acceptable to be experiencing a range of different emotions. Graduating from high school is exciting, daunting, joyous, and saddening all at the same time. You are always welcome to contact your counselor for any advice you may need.

-Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA

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