Student Debt Help

As we all know, student debt in college, graduate school, and post-grad programs is a bit outrageous, intimidating, and all-around scary. Unless you have a rocket for an arm or can jump through the roof, receiving that full scholarship is not easy. Although the cost of a school should not be the only determining factor in college admissions, it should definitely be a big consideration. The cold hard truth is that most college students will graduate in debt. However, the range of debt can vary thousands and thousands of dollars, so it’s important to be smart with your decisions before and during college. From a paid internship to closely monitoring your expenses to choosing the right loans, your decisions will have a direct impact on your wallet. Take a moment to visit:

This is a very comprehensive website with a ton of information and tips on ways to reduce or eliminate student debt. Also check out these pages from the website: 

Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA

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