Social Media in College Admissions

I wanted to share an article from the New York Times on college admissions and social media. By no means does every college search all of their applicants online, but studies are showing that more and more admissions counselors are spending sometime searching applicants on social media outlets. As the article states, of close to 400 admissions counselors surveyed, 31% visited an applicant’s Facebook page or some sort of social media page. This percentage increased by 5% from the previous year. Please click on the link for the entire article: NYT Article

My advice would be to take as much precaution as possible when posting things online. If posting inappropriate remarks or pictures doesn’t negatively affect you during the college process, it may during the job search process (only 4 years away for many seniors!) Make sure you review everything that goes online, take a moment to think before posting something in the heat of the moment, and make sure you have all of the up-to-date privacy settings. Being accepted into college is competitive enough, and you do not want to give selective universities any reason to deny you. Enjoy the article, and be safe out there in the social media world!

-Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA

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