Visiting Colleges Virtually

As I am sure you know, visiting college campuses is one of the most important parts of the college research process. Unless you are commuting from home, the college or university that you choose to attend will be where you eat, sleep, and live for at least four years. College campuses vary in so many ways, and you want to make sure you are comfortable and happy with what the school offers. Elements that should be considered are the dorm rooms, the athletic facilities, classroom sizes and what they offer, technology centers, libraries, green space, and much more. When visiting schools,  you need to ask yourself if this is a college you could see yourself living at. If you are uncomfortable with the school setting and what they offer in terms of their physical plant, it may affect your overall happiness and academic well-being at the school.

Although, it is not always possible to visit every school before you apply, you DEFINITELY should visit the school before committing to attend. While you have until May 1st to make the decision, if you are short on time, virtual tours are the next big thing in college admissions. I recently came across a website called YOUVISIT. This site offers virtual tours of hundreds of colleges across the country, as has current students lead the tour. I encourage you to check out the site if you are just starting the college search process or even if you are a senior and you are still looking to add another school or two to your list. So keep up the good research and have fun visiting the colleges, whether you are actually on the campus and walking around, or sitting on your couch with your laptop!

Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA

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