Unique Community Service Opportunities

We all know that college admissions is a competitive world. With many of the selective schools having their pick of students, every part of an applicant is reviewed, and just one aspect of the applicant can potentially make the student stand-out among his peers. Colleges take a holistic approach during the admissions process, considering the academic and personal characteristics of the applicant (i.e. academic record, standardized test scores, résumé, essay, recommendations etc.) All of these pieces of the college application puzzle are essential, but the one I want to showcase today is the résumé; and more importantly, community service as a part of the résumé.

Community service and volunteering are obviously very important to take part in to help others who may be less fortunate or to help a good cause. It doesn’t hurt that it can also look very good on the college application. There are hundreds of ways to help out in the community and every little bit counts. However, I would suggest pushing yourself when it comes to community service. Take part in something that requires more of your time and gives you the chance to organize and lead. For example, starting your own community service project will show colleges not only that you are a caring and giving person, but that you are ambitious, have leadership skills, and so much more. All of these attributes will impress admissions counselors and will translate well to how you may perform at the college level. I urge everyone to use their imagination with this, and a great place to start could be an organization called Team Fox. This is a volunteer fundraising program that directly supports the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Anyone can become a member of Team Fox, and you can create your own fundraising project based on your own interests and using any means necessary. I think this is a great organization because you are helping an important cause in ending Parkinson’s disease. However, you are allowed the freedom to create whatever type of fundraising effort to help raise money.

Take a look at the Team Fox page (www.teamfox.org) and feel free to get started right away. This is just one suggestion, but hopefully it gets your creative juices flowing. A unique community service role will not only help society become a better place, but it will certainly help all types of applicants to stand-out in the college application process. Every little bit counts, so get out there and become an agent of change!

 Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA

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