Is There Free College Tuition for All in the Future?

As I am set to embark on a 3-day, 6-college tour of some of the more selective private colleges in New England, I came across this article from USA Today. Recently, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont officially introduced a new bill, titled the "College for All Act", which would eliminate undergraduate tuition at all 4-year public colleges and universities. Also, for all of those people who have graduated from college and are currently swimming in debt, the bill would also decrease interest rates on student loans, from 4.32 to 2.32%.

This article describes how the bill would work, and the benefits for everyone. Please check it out, and let's all hope that this bill is a reality one day, or at least that the price of college gets under control. Enjoy the article, and as always, happy searching!

Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA

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