Free College in New York State for Middle-Class Students

It is great to write that New York has become the first state in the country to offer free college tuition for middle-class residents. Middle-class students can now attend State Universities and City Universities, both 4-year and 2-year colleges, tuition free beginning in September 2017!

For this upcoming year, students who are in families that make under $100,000 per year are eligible for free tuition, and by 2019 that amount will go up to $125,000 per year. Besides meeting the financial requirements, students must also enroll full-time at their college (30 credits per year) and they must live and work in New York state for as many years as they received the scholarship. If they do not, their scholarship will be transferred to a loan. Also, it is important to know that this scholarship just includes tuition, students who choose to live on campus, will still be responsible for paying for room and board.

This is a step in the right direction to make college more affordable for all students, and I applaud New York state for approving this new scholarship. Hopefully more states will follow in their footsteps in the years to come! For more information on this new scholarship, please read the following article:

CNN Money Article on NYS Free Tuition Program

Joseph D. Korfmacher



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