Update on Penn State Applications

Hey Everyone,

While summer break is almost here, the college news and updates never end! Since Penn State is a popular out-of-state public university for students in the New York/New Jersey area, I thought it would be helpful to share their latest application information. Penn State has always used their own college application, which has been pretty simple for students and counselors to operate, and they really have not changed much in recent memory. However, for the fall of 2017, Penn State will make two big changes to their application process.

First, they will no longer request that high school officials send in the student transcript. Instead, students will be asked to self-report their grades. Other public schools do this, such as Rutgers and University of South Carolina, and is fairly simple. On the application, students will input each course and their grade received for all three years, and the senior year courses in which they are enrolled. Then if the student is accepted, and plans to attend PSU, the student must request an official final transcript to be sent to Penn State.

Second, Penn State will be joining the Coalition Application for the fall of 2017. This is the new online college application that began last year. It is similar to the Common Application, but it still widely unknown, and most students have chosen not to use it. It is unclear if Penn State will be Coalition exclusive or not, but we should know that in the foreseeable future.

I hope this information is helpful, and I will continue to keep the pulse of college admissions...which is always changing! Have a great weekend, and as always, happy searching!

Mr. K


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